
Most Advertised Used Car Brands and Models announced the most advertised brands and models in the second-hand car market in its report published for October. According to the statement, the brand with the most advertisements was Renault.

With the increasing exchange rates and new tax regulations in our country, zero automobile prices have increased a lot in the last few years. However of the second hand car market we also saw astronomical increases in prices. At this point, many people started to turn to more affordable alternatives when purchasing vehicles. Used vehicle sales platform, in October shared a new statistics of the car brands with the most advertisements.

According to the results of the published research, while the prices of cars below 100 thousand TL in second-hand automobile sales remained very few, the increase in the prices of cars above 150 thousand TL continued. However, in October arabam.comThe most advertised car brand in Renault happened.

Renault, leader of the used car market

According to the report published by, in the second hand market Renault was the brand with the most advertisements with 17%. This brand was followed by Volkswagen with 13 percent, and the third brand with 9 percent went to Fiat. In addition, cars made up 72 percent of the advertisements on the site.

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3 vehicles in equal positions in vehicle models, which shares the models of these cars except for the most advertised automobile brands, announced that 3 models have an equal ratio of 5 percent. These brands and models respectively Renault Clio, Opel Astra and Ford Focus happened. These cars were followed by Renault Megane, Volkswagen Passat and Toyota Corolla with 4 percent.

According to the data, the most sold engine volumes between 1.4 and 1.6. Vehicles with this engine volume are preferred because of their low fuel consumption and more affordable prices.


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Prices continue to increase in second-hand vehicles

According to the report published by second hand Prices in the vehicle market are increasing without slowing down. In the second-hand market, where we saw that the prices increased due to the very high prices of new vehicles and the lack of stocks, it was observed that the advertisements in the range of 0-50 thousand TL and 50-100 thousand TL decreased by 2 percent.

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