
Psychological Horror Game The Medium Postponed

The postponement of CD PROJEKT RED’s highly anticipated new game, Cyberpunk 2077, also affected other studios and games. One of the games that affected and the release date was postponed was The Medium game in the psychological horror genre.

One of the most anticipated games of this year is undoubtedly the new game of CD PROJEKT RED. Cyberpunk 2077 happened. However, the game was postponed as much as it was expected by the players. The game’s release date was last postponed from November 19 to December 10.

Of course, the postponement of one of the most anticipated games of the game world this year also affects other studios and games. Studios that do not want or think that they cannot compete with Cyberpunk 2077 are delaying their games. One of these games is The Medium happened.

The Medium postponed to January 2021

Developed by Bloober Team, formerly the developer of Layers of Fear psychological fear The Medium would debut for PC, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S during what is called the Holiday Season in the western world (usually the period from late November to early January).

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In the post on The Medium’s Twitter page, your game 28 January 2021 It was announced that it was postponed to the date. In the statement made, the reason for the delay was COVID-19 problems in Poland and release dates for other games It was stated that.

Players who are waiting for the game with curiosity will not have to wait too long. Game, only a month delayed And that one month period is seen as quite enough time for game developers to put polish on the game. When the game is made available to players on January 28, it will be playable without any problems.


A Short Gameplay Video Shared From The Medium

The Medium is currently available for pre-order on the Epic Games Store and Steam. The pre-order price, which is 10% off, is 69.30 TL on Steam and 71.10 TL on the Epic Games Store. Sure your game will come to Game Pass the day it is released Let’s also remind.

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