
Last Day for Turkey Representatives of the Social Network

Regarding the Social Media Law, the time given to social networks has come to an end. The number of platforms over 1 million daily users, will be sentenced today to 10 million TL administrative fines if they do not determine their representative Turkey.

Shortly before the start of a new era in Turkey. Citizens argue a lot, Social Media Act In our country, with adjustment to social networks they know, so they can serve in Turkey Opening a representative office obligation was imposed. Moreover, today is a very critical day for social networks.

Number of users per day as per regulation Of over 1 million platforms, they need to determine a representative in our country. Here today is the last day for the representative to be determined. So platforms, today identify their representative Turkey, our country will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Otherwise, the platforms in question administrative fine will be cut.

Social networks according to the law, in the first place 10 million lira they will face administrative fines. If the platforms in question fail to fulfill their obligations and do not appoint representatives, 30 days after the notification of the sentence, 30 million TL will be fined this time. If the penalty is not paid again, the size of the sanction will increase and, at the last point, the social network internet traffic bandwidth It will be shrunk up to 90 percent.


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The new law is also within the knowledge of social networking giants. In this context, Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Ömer Fatih Sayan, video conference He hosted the executives of Facebook and its extensions, Tiktok, DailyMotion, YouTube, Periscope, Twitter and VK, and conveyed the details of the law. So platforms, the new regulation in Turkey regarding information holders.


However, there is one more point we need to mention about this law. Namely, according to the information obtained, social network administrators need to take a while before taking action. wait they want The first reason for this is that it will take place tomorrow in the USA Presidential Elections. The second reason is the annulment application of the CHP to the Constitutional Court. However, to be honest, both reasons could lead to a new development in the law. won’t open.

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