
Mercedes Won’t Let Customers Test Autonomous Driving

Mercedes has decided not to open up its autonomous driving features to its users until it is fully ready. This was quite counterproductive with the approaches of companies like Tesla.

Autonomous driving There are more than one company that wants to be the best in its field. Each company is trying different methods and different alternatives to highlight their own technologies. The two furthest extremes in firms’ approach to autonomous driving are Tesla and Mercedes It stands out as.

In an article published in Automotive News Europe Tesla and Of mercedes The difference between their approaches is clearly demonstrated. Tesla releases autonomous feature updates at a rate equivalent to smartphones’ OS updates German firm aims to appear before its customers with the completed product.

Deep-rooted company difference with initiative

Teslaproblems that may arise when opening new features to users with autonomous system updates. that they are not responsible also states. Since the American autonomous vehicle company is an initiative, this approach is a very logical solution for them. thus collecting data continuously and they have a chance to improve themselves by examining this data.

on the other hand Mercedes is a company that has been operating for decades. As a Tesla avoiding taking an aggressive approachstands out as a much more reasonable strategy for a firm in their size and position.


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Mercedes Moves Towards Becoming the First Brand to Build Level 3 Autonomous Vehicles

In Mercedes vehicles licensed test pilots only allows it to test autonomous technologies, does not share the general customer base in the tests. Developed features must first be accepted by the company and legal authorities. Both methods according to them pros and cons Of course there are, but the two companies work with different traditions in countries where different laws apply.

The future is in autonomous vehicles



Tesla Maintains Leadership in Electric Car Market: Its Closest Competitor Has Three Times Less Shares

When we look at the last years of the automotive world, Tesla’s sector seriously affected We see. Electric vehicles and autonomous driving, which once seemed like science fiction, are now the point where the industry will evolve in the future is seen as.

Although Tesla does not use traditional car manufacturers to electric vehicles Traditional producers will definitely reflect their own styles, even if they have managed to direct them. Let’s see which firm’s understanding in the new era in the automotive industry it will be more effective.

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