
“Xbox Game Pass Comes To The iOS Platform”

Business Insider said Microsoft will bring the Xbox Game Pass service to the iOS platform. The notable claim is based on a meeting held by Phil Spencer, the number one name on Xbox, on Wednesday.

Microsoft has an impressive subscription service for gamers. Xbox Game Pass This service, which is called as, allows players to access the games of various publishers by paying monthly. Gamers; Unfortunately, iOS users could not access this feature, which they can access on Xbox, Windows 10 or Android platforms. However, it seems that Microsoft to the iOS platform continues to work to bring.

According to a report on Business Insider, Xbox’s number one name Phil Spencerholds a meeting with its employees on Wednesday. Saying that he wants Xbox Game Pass to come to iPhones and iPads within the scope of this meeting, Spencer demands that a solution be found that will not have any problems despite the harsh conditions of Apple. According to allegations, Microsoft, in 2021 with a browser-based solution It will bring Xbox Game Pass to iPad and iPhone users.

Apple examines the applications added to the App Store to the finest detail. In this context, anyone who wants, an app in the App Store will not publish we can say. In this context, we all know what Epic Games’ in-game payment system costs for Fortnite Mobile. we know. Time will tell what kind of work Microsoft will do in this regard, whether the Xbox Game Pass for iOS will be an app or a different solution will be found.


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What Privileges Do Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass Subscriptions Offer?

Just before, Microsoft’s with a browser-based solution We said that it was claimed to bring Xbox Game Pass to iPad and iPhone users. This probability seems like a very high probability. Because there are no restrictions in Apple’s policies for browser-based solutions. This means that Microsoft can offer access to games on Xbox Game Pass with this kind of solution. However, this solution is also by Apple will be known When we think about it, we should not forget the possibility of Apple taking a new step.

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