
What Would You Take With You If You Fall on the Moon?

Working on the Artemis mission that will take humanity back to the Moon, NASA asked its followers what they would like to take with them if they were going to the Moon in a new social media campaign.

Being an extremely successful institution in public relations NASAaround the world to keep people’s interest in space missions alive continues to organize new campaigns.

With the mission of Artemis To take people to the Moon again in 2024 NASA, planning to draw attention to the mission of Artemis, roughly ”What would you take with you if you fell on a desert island?‘question’What would you take with you if you fell on the moon?‘We can say that it turned into the question.

If you were a true astronaut, what would you take with you on your way to the Moon?

NASA, which announced the new social media campaign on its official website, What they want to put in the bag they take to the moon asks and his opinions #NASAMoonKit He asks them to share the tag with a photo or video on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

At this point, social media users have two different options. Those who do not want to give up their freedom, even on the moon, can put anything they want in their bags. However, in what NASA defines as Expert Mode, users can like a real NASA astronaut They can only buy a bag measuring 12.7 x 20.3 x 5.1 cm. Therefore, you will not be able to take everything you want in Expert Mode.

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Bettina Inclán, Communications Manager of NASA Headquarters in Washington, “We are excited to see what you get in your bag for the ultimate adventure, the flight to the Moon.” Using expressions, it is the next step to gain new knowledge about the Artemis mission at a time when many people are receiving distance education or working from home Supporting NASA on moon travel stated to be a unique way.

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