
Opera Mini Exceeds 500 Million Downloads on Android

Opera Mini continues its presence in the internet browser market, albeit quietly. The application has exceeded 500 million downloads in the Android operating system environment.

Android the operating system has been around for quite some time, and there aren’t many applications going back before that. Opera Mini as an internet browser even older than Android Java ME with us since compatible phones. BlackBerry, the browser we see in operating systems such as Symbian, Windows Phone, which have been forgotten even if they existed today, of course, also came to iOS and Android.

Although it may never be the most popular browser on the market most consistent One of its browsers, Opera Mini, has managed to surpass an important point in the Android platform. Of the browser total number of downloads It exceeded 500 million.

500 million downloads

Google Play Store Opera Mini browser according to data released by 500 million downloads It should not be overlooked that a significant portion of these downloads are the result of agreements with various smartphone manufacturers. Opera Mini is the latest Micromax and QMobile has made an agreement with companies such as, to install their own applications as the default browser on selected phones.


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Even so Over 500 million downloads and it should be noted that there are not many applications that are not owned by Google. This group includes applications such as Pniterest, Telegram and SwiftKey, and of course, applications of social media giants.

Opera is trying to stay afloat

opera mini


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Opera’s and Opera Mini In general, it would not be wrong to say that it is not in a very good condition in this period with Google Chrome domination. Revenues have also decreased due to the shrinking market share of the company.

OperaPublished in Africa and certain parts of Asia with short-term debt practices he tried to create a door of income. It was stated that these practices were not very compatible with Google policies. Let’s see if Opera Mini will be able to increase the number of downloads for the company.

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