
Diploma of Ninjaly Studies in Japan

Are you one of those who dreamed of being a ninja as a kid? A university in Japan opened a program for ninja studies.

Universities in our country and around the world are new to the academic year preparing. In this process, some universities have not we do not see can open sections. In japan Mie University one of them.

In general, universities close the departments that are not in demand and expected to attract attention It is noticeable that he built partitions. Mie University attracted attention by opening a quite different department. University ninja work opened the department.

Shuriken throwing 101

Of japan In Ige In a sense, the university has undertaken a historical mission. Because this state was one of the places where the training of warriors called ninja first appeared. In feudal Japan These people, called ninja or shinobi, were experts in hiding, deception, and surprise attacks.

On the other hand in general ninjas studies first to mind when it is said shuriken Star-shaped ranged weapons, named nunçaku Although it is necessary to study exotic equipment such as, the content of the program is much different. In general, the history of ninjas is at the center of the episode.


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Ninja, who returned to Twitch a month ago, managed to break the record as he came

Professor of Japanese history at university Yuji Yamadawas also appointed head of the ninja center. Explaining about the section scientist, “We receive many applications from abroad but I have to say one thing: The aim of this program is to learn ninjas, not to be a ninja. ” says.

3 students per year

ninja student


The Secret Vow of the Ninjas Appeared 300 Years Later

2-year program ninja studies section It was first established three years ago. According to Yamada, the department receives an average of three students each year. It is not possible to enter the department with a swing. At the entrance to the section, a Japanese history and a historical ninja documents Japanese reading test will be performed.

Of course, there is no obstacle for those who want to apply the training provided by the program in practice. The first graduate of the program 45-year-old Genichi Mitsuhashilives his life as a ninja.

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