
Netflix movie ‘Struggle Stalemate’ with Çağatay Ulusoy is coming

We have examined the film Struggle Dead End, which is planned to appear before the audience in 2021, starring Çağatay Ulusoy and will be broadcast on Netflix.

Respectively, “Hakan: Guard”, Atiye, “Love 101” As with the Netflix series production began producing in Turkey, recently announced a new original series and filmlerinl. Many Turkish movies will be broadcast on Netflix in 2021, one of the most curious. Impasse of Struggle. Because the leading role in the platform’s first Turkish series Cagatay Ulusoy there is.

Impasse of Struggle, It looks like it will make the audience watch a good movie with the cast and the behind-the-scenes technical team.

Who will star in the movie The Struggle Impasse?

Another name that will take a role in the Struggle Dilemma apart from Çağatay Ulusay is the experienced theater master. Turgay Tanulku. Although he has appeared in many TV series and movies, he is mostly remembered for his role as Şahin Ağa; Because the experienced artist took an important place in the Turkish audience’s mind by taking part in the role of Şahin Ağa in both Kurtlar Vadisi and the TV series Eşkiya Dünyaya Ruler.

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Another actress of the movie is Selen Ozturk. He has played many important roles in the past, but the most important of these roles In the Magnificent Century We wouldn’t be wrong if we said that he was Gülfem Hatun, the character he played. At the same time, this project will not be the first Netflix project for Selen Öztürk, because the artist also starred in the previously broadcast Netflix series Atiye.

Ersin Beekeeper will also play a role in Struggle Impasse. The talented actress is one of the theater-born actors. He has appeared in many TV series and theaters. Finally, he played the role of a coffee maker in the TV series I Wish We Never Grew.

We can say that Emir Ali Doğrul, the youngest member of the set, 9-year-old child actor, is the most prominent actor in the movie. Because Emir Ali is in the movie, played by Çağatay Ulusoy. The role of the son of the character Mehmet will play. It should be noted that Emir Ali, who is only 9 years old, first appeared on television screens 2 years ago.

Can Ulkay will be the director of the movie

Can Ulkay

Impasse of Struggle The most exciting detail for us moviegoers is actually hidden in the director’s chair. Because the director of our movie Can UlkayBoth in 2018 Ayla as well as Muslim He achieved successful works by directing his movie.

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Not only in Turkey, by the new wave filmmakers are very popular all over the world 8 months only won one award in the US. So Impasse of Struggle We can mention that his film has technically successful names.

The author of the film will be a name from Behzat Ç.

Ercan Mehmet Erdem

As we mentioned in the paragraph above, the technical team of the movie Struggle Impasse is a very successful team. The author of the movie Ercan Mehmet Erdem He had previously undertaken the scriptwriting duty of Behzat Ç., one of the legendary TV series in Turkish television history. Especially Behzat Ç. If you have admiration, you may want to watch the movie just for this detail.

What will be the subject of the movie Impasse of Struggle?

Issue of Struggle

“Stalemate of Struggle, which tells the story of young people collecting papers, which we all see every day, but who do not notice with the hustle and bustle of daily life, will open the door of unknown worlds and new lives to the audience with its scenario bearing traces of real life.”

Based on this statement of the production company, we can say that we will see a life struggle given by the gang in the movie. According to some sources, the movie will be in close to three genres: Love, action and drama.

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The release date of the movie Impasse of Struggle

Impasse of Struggle vision history

The shooting of the film, which started shooting on August 4, 2020, ended. The movie is expected to be released on Netflix in 2021, but the exact date has not been announced yet. Some sources, by the film In March 2021 They have shared the information that it will be published.

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