
Netflix’s New Turkish Movie ‘Saints’ Is Coming: Actors and

Netflix has included some productions delayed due to Covid-19. Among these productions is the long-awaited film Saints. We have compiled important information such as the cast and release date of the film Azizler.

Among the films whose vision dates were postponed due to Covid-19, it was directed by the brothers Durul and Yağmur Taylan, one of the important names of Turkish cinema. “Saints” There was also a movie. Netflix has decided to incorporate this highly anticipated movie, and the movie is getting ready to meet its fans soon.

This movie, which has an extremely strong staff and script, was originally to be broadcast in movie theaters. However, it has taken its place in Netflix’s new calendar. Saints movie We wanted to share important information such as its subject, cast and release date with you. We wish you pleasant reading.

Who are in the cast of the film Saints?

At the beginning of our article, we mentioned that there are very strong names in the cast of the film Azizler. The master name we will recognize from successful films such as Personality in the Cast, Innocent and Winter Sleep Haluk Bilginer has.

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Another name in the cast Engin Good Morning, The European Side and Vavien, with the success he has shown in productions, has established a throne in our hearts. Again, showing a very impressive performance in both the European Side and the Red Room series Binnur Kaya is also among the staff.

netflix saints vast good morning

Güldür Güldür, appearing in productions such as Lie World and Mortal World İrem Sak, Saints We wonder if he will make him laugh in his movie. He is also one of the names that showcased the peak of acting with Innocent. Okan Yalabık, Harun of Behzat Ç. Fatih Artman and Oner Erkan Many successful actors like Azizler will appear in the movie. Obviously, we can’t wait to see what this cast of players, who have exhibited their own unique achievements in different categories, can do together.

The directors of the film Saints; Taylan Brothers

rain taylan durul taylan

Durul and Yağmur Taylan are two important directors who have produced successful productions in Turkish cinema. Taylan Brothers also known as the duo, previously Vavien, Little Doomsday movies like and You Are My Country, Magnificent Century He was sitting in the director’s chair for TV series with extremely high ratings.

Obviously, the people who have done such successful works Saints It is extremely exciting that he also directs the movie. Saints seem to satisfy the audience in terms of production, script and staff.

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Berkun Oya sits on the screenwriter chair

Netflix saints screenwriter berkun oya

Appears to have an extremely engaging and fluid script Saints movie Berkun Oya was the scriptwriter. Berkun Oya, besides being a successful theater writer, has directed various films and Good Years London, Elephants and Grass and Innocent He also wrote the scripts for the productions.

What will be the subject of the movie Saints?

netflix saints vast good morning

First, the Saints movie drama and comedy It will appear as a movie in its genre. Approaching the end of his youth, Aziz realized that he could not realize his dreams when he was young. to a depressed mood will take over. When he is extremely tired of both his 4-year-old relationship and his dissatisfaction, he will now decide that he has to make a change in his life and want to leave his girlfriend first.

Aziz’s only dream is to get away from the people he knows and to a brand new life will be set up. As the saint is drowned in such thoughts, there will be an opportunity to change everything, but on one condition: Lying to everyone.

The saint starts to risk everything and lie but his lies around you and it will start to lead him into a number of difficulties. As a spectator, we will witness both Aziz’s efforts to change his life and the events that will happen to him because of his lies.

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When will the film of Saints be released?

netflix saints haluk Bilginer

Saints, 8 January 2021 Netflix date will be published in Turkey. You can also find the new series and movies announced by Netflix Turkey below:


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