
YouTube Introduces A Series Of New Features For Its Mobile App

YouTube has introduced a number of new features in its mobile app that will improve the user experience. New features include listing video episodes, making it easier to turn subtitles on and off.

One of the most used mobile applications on our smartphones during the day, YouTube is constantly updated by Google and continues to gain new features. The technology giant made an announcement today that users YouTube mobile announced a series of new features that will enhance the experience.

As you know, a feature has been added that allows content producers to divide their videos into sections. This feature has been further developed and this section in the video see as a list function introduced. Well, let’s look at what new features will be added to YouTube’s mobile app.

New features coming to the YouTube mobile app

  • Listing video episodes

Video Sections Thanks to the (Video Chapters) feature, we are able to switch to the section you want in a video you watch. In addition, this list also includes the title of the topic discussed in that section.

  • More advanced play page

In the videos button to turn on subtitlemoved to a more accessible location. also of the auto play button In order to open and close it more easily, a change was made on the site. It is also stated that this feature will be tested on the desktop site soon.

  • Full screen switching and full screen output made easy

Now to make videos full screen slide up, to exit full screen scroll down will be enough. In addition, you will be able to change whether you want to see the elapsed time or the remaining time quite easily by clicking the time information.

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YouTube suggested actions feature

Another feature that comes suggested actions is happening. This feature offers suggestions for rotating the video or watching it in VR to enhance the video viewing experience. They also plan to announce more proposed actions in the future.

youtube sleep reminder


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YouTube recently introduced sleep reminder With (bedtime reminder), a reminder that you need to stop watching videos and sleep will be set up.

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