
Intel Shares New Information About Rocket Lake

While AMD has occupied the agenda with the new Ryzen 5000, which will arrive on November 5, Intel is not backing down either. The company shared information about Rocket Lake processors, which will be released in the first quarter of 2021.

Although it is the biggest name in the processor market, Intel, which has been struggling with competition recently, is determined not to stay in the shadow of the Ryzen 5000 series processors that AMD will release on November 5. This leads the company to make statements about its new processors.

A lot of information has already been revealed about Rocket Lake processors, possibly one of the industry’s worst kept secrets. Intel’s new press release does little to confirm most of the previous rumors.

Double digit increase in IPC

Intel’s statements were made to show that, in a sense, it was not behind the competition. In the new processor IPC increase It is one of them that it will be in double households. AMD in Ryzen 5000 series An increase of 19% promised. IPC value is one of a processor core Number of transactions per cycle It is an important criterion in processor comparisons because it indicates.

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Also, the memory speed of new processors DDR4-3200 updating as. Current Comet Lake There is support for DDR4-3994 in processors. With this increase, the memory need of the additional processing capacity created by the IPC increase will also be met.


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In the company’s statement, the new generation processors 8 cores from 16 threads It stands out that it will not go up. This is a slightly lower number compared to the current Comet Lake processors. Comet Lake’s highest number of processor cores goes up to 10. In other words, the firm will rely on higher number of transactions rather than more cores. If the processor needs power 125 W TDP (250 W with upgrade).

Cypress Cove architecture sounds

Intel processor


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Intel also clarified a previously pending information in its release. On new processors Cypress Cove architecture will be found. This too Of Rocket Lake it means it will be the first processor with this architecture. While Intel announced that this new architecture was developed on Sunny Cove architecture, as in Ice Lake 12th generation Intel Xe LP He also confirmed that he will come with the graphics engine.

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In Intel’s roadmap, this architecture not includedleads to the idea that we will see a processor built with the method called back-porting, with smaller links placed behind an older system. In addition to these, in the processor PCIe system 4 new channels are added by overhauling. In addition, for the first time, an Intel processor has PCIe 4.0 support.

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