
Internal Affairs Sends Coronavirus Circular to Provincial Governorships

The Ministry of Interior sent a coronavirus circular to 81 provincial governorships. In the circular sent, it was stated that general inspections would be made in 7 different issues in all provinces and districts for 7 days. It was also stated that some announcements would be made to increase sensitivity.

Ministry of Interior, as well as all over the world felt coronavirus outbreak in Turkey is quite hard for 81 provincial governor coronavirus circular sent. In the circular sent, it was stated that the increase of cases continues worldwide, and there is an increase in the course of the epidemic, especially in the European continent.

In the circular sent to 81 provincial governorships, the course of the epidemic and considering possible risks It was stated that additional rules and measures were implemented in many areas. It was also said that some new decisions were taken upon the assessment of the Ministry of Health and the instructions of President Erdoğan.

Circular from the Ministry of Interior to 81 provincial governorships

In the circular sent to the governorships, it was stated that the General Hygiene Rules will be collected in all provinces and districts within 48 hours at the latest. “From Monday, October 19 On 7 different subjects for 7 days General inspections will be made in all provinces and districts ” statements were included.

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Within the scope of the circular, the places to be inspected for 7 days are as follows;

  • October 19: Eating and drinking places such as cafes, restaurants, especially public recreation and entertainment places
  • 20 October: All kinds of public transportation vehicles (including school buses) and airports, stations and bus stations where passenger transportation is carried out in the city and intercity.
  • October 21: Factory, business and personnel services employing collective workers, especially in organized industrial zones
  • October 22: Persons subjected to isolation due to being diagnosed or having contact
  • October 23: Shopping malls, mosques, mosques, astro pitches and sports facilities
  • October 24: Public areas such as avenues, streets, parks, beaches, picnic areas
  • October 25: Barbers, hairdressers, beauty centers, internet cafes, playgrounds, wedding and wedding halls, amusement parks and theme parks

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It was stated that while it is predicted that the condensation in indoor areas will increase with the cooling of the weather, it will be reminded that indoor areas need to be ventilated frequently. In addition, to increase sensitivity in this regard some announcements will be made throughout the country specified. The entire circular sent can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Interior.

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