
AMD Mocks The Dimensions of RTX 30 Series

California-based hardware and microchip maker AMD is making fun of NVIDIA over the size and power requirements of the GeForce RTX 30 series. The company specifically refers to the 12-pin power connector used in the NVIDIA RTX 30 series.

One of the most important manufacturers of the graphics card market AMDintroduced its new generation RX 6000 series graphics cards at an event held recently. Radeon RX 6900 XT, Radeon RX 6800 XT and Radeon RX 6800 Composed of three models, the graphics card series is positioned as a direct competitor to NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX 30 series.

So much so that the red team, during the launch RX 6800 XT and RX 6800 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and GeForce RTX 3070 compared with graphics cards. According to AMD’s claim, the company’s new generation cards consume less power than NVIDIA cards and offer users higher frame rates.

Send from AMD to NVIDIA:

Preparing to make a solid entry into the graphics card market with their new cards, AMD, RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 cards dimensions and power requirements because of making fun of NVIDIA. At this point, the company especially in NVIDIA’s new generation cards New 12-pin power connector gets stuck using it.

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Such that the firm, In a post on TwitterWe can’t promise it will fit every ITX and SFF build, but we have good news: We designed the RX 6000 Series to fit a variety of situations and power requirements. ” gave his statements.

In addition, AMD has gone a little further and its new cards “does not require special adapters or awkwardly seated connectorsThe company presented the RX 6900 XT as a smaller and more power efficient competitor to the RTX 3090.


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AMD team, on social media In attempts to weaken NVIDIA Although it is found, we can see in the responses that AMD fans are not very interested in this issue. Many responding to AMD from social media, red team’s RX 6000 series instead of size and power requirements in terms of performance believes that it should market.

Source : 3090.500944.0.html

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