
New Mathematical Model Proposal for the Apep Star System

In a new study, scientists proposed a new mathematical model for the Apep star system, which was first discovered in 2018. If the model is correct, the two stars will collide one day and have a huge explosion.

About Earth 8,000 light years two stars dancing away. The one who takes the lead from these stars turns aggressively around the other and sucks matter from his partner, to reveal the core forcing. On the other hand, the star in the center is also outer layers It is known to be strong enough to rob.

This pair of stars “Wolf-Rayet Binary Star System” seen as a good example of what they say. Wolf-Rayets usually have more than 20 times the mass of the Sun. Moreover, they are extremely hot and bright and can emit more radiation than a million normal stars.

Scientists proposed a new mathematical model for Apep:

Scientists Apep The star pair, he calls it, was first discovered in 2018 and has been surprising astronomers ever since. The pair of stars are so hot and bright that they can travel as fast as 1% the speed of light when they rotate. stellar winds they are creating. This stellar wind, of the stars to peel to the core creates a halo of dust around the couple in the process.

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Normally this dust should spread as fast as the wind moves, but when researchers at the University of Sydney find Apep, its dust only one quarter noticed that it was moving at the rate. This shouldn’t have happened, and the finding challenged logic.

In a new article published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists explain the inconsistencies they see in Apep’s images. a new mathematical model proposes.

It turns out that both stars are 10-15 times larger and 100,000 times brighter than the Sun:

In order to create this model, the team first took the European Southern Observatory in Chile. Very Large Telescope he had to analyze thousands of images taken over three years. The lead author of the article on this subject is astronomer Yinuo Han, “We haven’t received a JPEG file. We’re getting images very messy, almost imperceptibly,” he says..

In order to see Apep more clearly, the team first cleared the images by removing all the light emitted by other stars and star bodies. In this way, the researchers, who had the chance to look at the two stars in detail, About 10 to 15 times bigger and 100,000 times brighter than the sun They discovered that it was. According to the statement, the stars complete a full orbit around each other at a distance comparable to the size of our solar system. 125 years progress.

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‘A very special star where the wind from the poles is much faster than the wind from the equator’

According to scientists, we are looking at the star in the center “from above” and therefore from the poles we only see one. This was the last piece of information that allowed the team to develop a model that could explain the difference in speeds they observed.

Later, the team, from the pole facing the Earth, measured the wind speed but this dust was coming out of the star’s equator. Speaking about this situation, Han said for the star “A very special star where the wind from the poles is much faster than the wind from the equator. said.

Speaking about how this might be possible, Mathieu Renzo, researcher at the Center for Computational Astrophysics of the Flatiron Institute, said. “When you have something moving very fast, you have the effect of the centrifugal force on the rotating object.” explains in words. This force reshaping the star flatter at the poles and more rounded at the center It makes it look like a soccer ball. This causes the wind from the poles of the star to be faster than the wind from the equator.

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If the model is correct, the two stars will collide one day:

As the two stars dance in a circular circular motion, the stardust does not spread evenly and takes a spiral shape. If the model is correct, Apep’s dance is one of the most intense bangs we know by gamma ray burst will end. Extremely rare gamma-ray bursts have never been observed in our galaxy before.

The calculations made are that a direct impact from such an intense burst of radiation, even if it is quite far away. That the Earth can thin the ozone layer and it shows that you can even delete it. Fortunately, however, we are not at the target location for Apep, and it is predicted that in a possible explosion the rays will travel in a direction far from Earth.


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Han said that having a couple of Wolf-Rayet stars spinning fast in our galaxy the occurrence of other gamma ray bursts He says he will provide valuable information about him.

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