
Carl Pei Announces Leaving OnePlus

Carl Pei, who founded OnePlus with Chinese entrepreneur Pete Lau in 2013, announced that he left the company after 7 years. While Carl Pei does not give a clear-cut reason for his departure, it is said that the reason for his departure was the “power struggle” within the company.

Chinese tech company with reports leaked earlier this week On OnePlus there is a leaf fall had appeared. Allegedly one of the founding partners of the company Carl Fairyhas left OnePlus to start a “new venture,” but OnePlus has so far refused to make an official statement on the issue.

Today, co-founder Carl, Shared on OnePlus forums He confirmed his departure in a letter. Saying that he made a difficult decision to say goodbye after nearly 7 years at OnePlus, Carl Pei expressed his gratitude to OnePlus and the OnePlus community for everything.

Why did OnePlus number one Carl Pei leave the company?

Carl Pei, one of the biggest shareholders of the Chinese OnePlus, 2013 Another Chinese entrepreneur at the age of 24 Pete Lau had founded OnePlus with. Carl from this duo has appeared at product launches over the years, greeting fans and face had been.

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According to various previous reports, OnePlus founders Carl Pei and Pete Lau did not get along well for a while, and the company is a kind “internal power struggle” was living. We do not know what the problem is between the two or how big the problem is, but it seems certain that this separation will affect OnePlus’s projects in the coming periods.

Pei, who did not give a clear reason for leaving the company, said he wanted to spare time for his family and friends. On the other hand, reports earlier this week, the Chinese entrepreneur a new project He claimed to launch it.


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By the way, the other founder of OnePlus Pete Lau maintains his position with the company and CEOship continues to carry out his duty. According to reports, the name to replace Pei, head of the Nord group, is OnePlus India’s number one. Emily Dai it will be.

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