
Covid-19 Vaccines From China Began To Be Applied In Izmir

A China-based vaccine, produced to produce antibodies against coronavirus, has begun to be tested on healthcare professionals at İzmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital.

In order to fight against coronavirus, human trials of vaccines have begun to be started all over the world. Will start human experiments in our country of vaccines We announced that the production started yesterday. Today, in İzmir, COVID-19 It was announced that trials of vaccines had begun.

Health Sciences University (SBU) Izmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital started to be applied to volunteer health workers ChinaThe coronavirus vaccine brought from Turkey, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Clinic Training Officer Prof. Dr. Under the leadership of Şükran Köse and Chief Physician Assoc. Dr. It was organized with the participation of Mustafa Emiroğlu.

“No serious side effects of the vaccine were observed”

Stating that no serious side effects of the vaccine they applied to healthcare professionals were observed, Prof. Dr. Şükran Köse said, “With this Phase 3 study we have done, we will have the opportunity to observe whether the vaccine is able to protect people adequately and how much antibody it creates. As an infectious diseases and immunology professor, I would also like to state that taking part in this study excited me. I hope that the vaccine studies will be promising for humanity and our people.“He used expressions.

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Currently in Turkey, said that they are one of the 20 centers that take the vaccine trial is Chief Emiroğlu, it is said that they were pleased. In the first place in İzmir Tepecik Training and Research Hospital 34 volunteers COVID-19 vaccine brought from China was administered to the healthcare worker. It is thought that this number will increase even more in the coming days.

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