
What Are the Harms of Smoking? – What are the Benefits

The harms of smoking; Cigarettes produced by wrapping shredded tobacco in paper and killing 6 million people each year; Although it harms health in many ways, it creates an addiction and becomes a habit that the person cannot quit.
The cigarette, which was supposedly brought to America by Spanish sailors in the 18th century and then spread all over the world, began to be widely used by the public with the establishment of the first cigarette factory by the state monopoly company. French in 1845.

Although the interest in smoking today has decreased compared to the past, unfortunately many people; Even if you know the harms of smoking, you cannot give up this bad habit.

Quitting smoking is the wish of most people, thanks to the nicotine content that causes serious addiction in the consumer, but unfortunately very few people reach this language.

In this article, what are the harms of smoking for those who are considering quitting? We will try to answer the question and explain why you should not smoke.

Here are the details you need to know about the deadly harms of smoking:

Why is smoking harmful?

There are more than 4800 carcinogenic and harmful substances that cause toxic effects in the body.

Apart from smoking, passive smoking and even inhalation of cigarette smoke cause the formation of many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.

So much so that arsenic used in agriculture to kill mice in cigarettes, formaldehyde, which is an extremely harmful gas that paves the way for cancer development, benzene used in pesticides, acetone nails used to remove enamel, etc. There are many chemicals.

These harmful substances that the body cannot digest; It is absorbed by the body and damages almost every cell in our body.

The skin, lungs, heart and even the sense of taste and tissues are affected by the harm and negative effects of smoke.

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With the absorption of chemicals from cigarette smoke into the bloodstream, the heart begins to beat rapidly.

These palpitations are followed by a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood and the heart works more than necessary.

Even blood vessels in the skin are affected by cigarette smoke and deliver less oxygen. As a result, smoker’s skin begins to age earlier than non-smokers.

Consuming just one pack of cigarettes a day means a cup of tar builds up in the lungs each year.

In short, smoking; It consumes more than you think, both your body and your health.

What are the harms of smoking?

The most important harms of smoking can be summarized as follows:

  • Makes it difficult to breathe

Cigarette smoke containing harmful chemicals; The first causes damage to the respiratory system.

This smoke, which destroys the bronchial tubes, carries the risk of inflammation of the airways.

Airlines are starting to disrupt the self-cleaning task over time. Smoking-related complaints such as chronic cough, chronic sputum, respiratory distress and bronchitis are common in smokers.

Lung growth slows down when smoking in young people who have not yet survived puberty. As a result, smokers are more susceptible to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • It harms cardiovascular health

Smoking slows the blood flow in the blood vessels and increases the risk of plaque formation and atherosclerosis.

It also increases bad cholesterol levels in the blood. This situation results in vasoconstriction and vascular occlusion.

Thus, the person has a heart attack, heart attack, heart attack, etc. After the illness, you will lose your life or you will have to live your life more difficult.

  • It brings along tooth and gum diseases.

Smoking makes it easier for bacteria and germs to accumulate in the mouth. It triggers the yellowing of the teeth and the formation of brown spots on the tooth surface.

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Bacteria build-up in the mouth causes gum disease, cavities and ultimately tooth loss.

Since smoking also slows the blood flow to the gums, many problems such as bleeding gums and gum recession can be seen in smokers.

  • It increases the risk of brain hemorrhage.

Vascular occlusion and arteriosclerosis formation can also be seen in the brain with cigarette smoke.

Smokers are at risk of dying after cerebral vascular occlusion and cerebral hemorrhage.

To smoke; At the same time, the person’s memory, inability to concentrate, forgetfulness, etc. It weakens. leads to complications.

Learning difficulties, unwillingness to learn, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s etc. serious problems may occur.

  • It causes sexual health problems.

Smoking causes sexual anorexia in both men and women. Impotence and premature ejaculation may occur in smokers due to reduced blood flow to the penis.

Smoking in women, reducing estrogen release, infertility, genital warts, cervical cancer, etc. causing serious illness.

  • Exacerbates diabetes symptoms

Smoking of diabetic patients seriously increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and stroke.

Eye, kidney and nerve damage are common in diabetic patients who smoke.

Smoking increases insulin resistance and aggravates the symptoms of the disease.

For this reason, especially diabetics should avoid smoking just like heart patients.

Cigarette smoke, lung cancer, throat cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, nose and pharynx cancer, breast and cervical cancer, etc. Carcinogenic substances Can cause many types of cancer.

Even second-hand smokers can easily get lung cancer.

The harmful effects of smoking

We can summarize the other damages of smoking to our health as follows:

  • Cataract formation in the eyes, blindness in the elderly.
  • Bleeding, ulcer, etc. in the stomach and esophagus. stomach ailments
  • Osteoclase
  • Yellowing of the hands and fingers.
  • Spiritual tension
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue, weakness
  • Poor performance in business life
  • Blood pressure

The harms of tobacco use during pregnancy

Smoking of pregnant women threatens not only the mother’s but also the baby’s health.

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In pregnant women, nicotine first reaches the placenta and then the embryo via the bloodstream.

As a result, pregnancy, smoking, miscarriage, infant death, premature birth, etc. causing problems.

Low birth weight, sudden death and slowing of growth can be seen in newborns.

Risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the future child; It increases many times over compared to mothers who do not smoke.

Therefore, pregnant women should not smoke even once a day during pregnancy.

What should be done to quit smoking?

Cigaret; It causes addiction in two different ways, physical and psychological addiction.

In people who quit smoking, restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, headache, dizziness, nausea, etc. especially due to nicotine deficiency in the first three days. Find the symptoms.

Although these symptoms disappear within a maximum of a month, psychological addiction is the main force for smokers.

Psychological addiction, on the other hand, is seen in people who are not more confident and who smoke to avoid problems.

If your efforts to quit smoking are always unsuccessful, you can seek professional help immediately.

To quit smoking easier;

  • In this process, you should acquire new hobbies that will entertain you,
  • If you can quit, you need to reward yourself and focus on that reward.
  • Should do sports
  • Stay away from anything that reminds you to smoke for a while.
  • Consuming your favorite foods and drinks to reward yourself during the day.
  • First of all, you should think about the harms of smoking in a corner of your mind.

If you cannot quit smoking despite all your efforts; You can quit smoking by using nicotine gum or tape.

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