
Turkey, will produce local and National Electric Scooter

Just Karaismailoğlu, Turkey announced that they will produce local and national electric scooter. Stating that around 3 million citizens use electric scooters today, Karaismailoğlu stated that they care about this issue as the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.

Adil Karaismailoğlu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, regarding electric scooter vehicles, which have become increasingly popular recently. domestic and national initiative announced. Karaismailoğlu said that there were around 35 thousand in Turkey, electric scooters, scooters for local and national studies have started expressed.

Speaking at a program on mobile devices and scooters Transport and Infrastructure Minister Karaismailoğlu, Turkey last 18 years the number of vehicles in general 160 percent announced that it increased. Stating that there are more than 23 million 650 thousand vehicles as of this year, Karaismailoğlu added that citizens are looking for alternatives. According to Turkey in the Karaismailoğlu 3 million citizenshas adopted the use of electric scooters.

As the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure the concept of mobility Stating that they care, Karaismailoğlu explained that this concept has a very important place in national transportation and infrastructure policies. Stating that innovations are taking place especially in urban transportation in this context, the minister said that instead of traditional transportation, electric scooters, electric vehicles, autonomous vehiclesstates that the presence of vehicles such as flying vehicles and drones has begun to be felt.


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Minister Karaismailoğlu said that citizens, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, are turning to micro-mobility vehicles, detailed studies He announced that they will conduct and work to provide a better service to the citizens. In this context, by meeting with stakeholders They hold meetings Karaismailoğlu said that they have completed the action plan for the micro-mobility request with the meetings and that they will implement it as soon as possible.

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