
Trailer of Songbird on Covid-23 Released

After a 4-year quarantine produced by Michael Bay, the trailer of the movie Songbird, which depicts the evolved Covid-23 virus and the events that took place in this process, was released. The release date of the movie is not yet known.

Covid-19We all know how negatively the world has been affected. Especially in the first months, people who did not leave their homes due to quarantine experienced significant psychological breakdowns. A long time has passed since the virus first appeared, but the virus’s aggression is still not diminished. Well, all this fear of disease and Pandemic What would you say to a movie that tells about a world with?

Songbird The film, which lasted for four years and was on the verge of extinction, Covid-23 It is about the encounter with the virus. The production, starring KJ Apa and Sofia Carson, is centered around a bicycle messenger who is immune to the virus and his physically locked lover. The film also includes famous names such as Demi Moore, Craig Robinson, Bradley Whitford and Alexandra Daddario, Peter Stormare.

Songbird trailer:

As we see in the trailer, corrupt officials in the city’s “cleaning” department forcibly evict infected people from their homes. to quarantine camps we see that it takes away. Songbird, which is expected to be a film full of drama and dialogue, will be released “very soon” according to the statement. The movie is yet clear no release dateHowever, we will notify you as new statements come in.

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Behind Songbird is Michael Bay

Touted as the first feature film to be shot in Los Angeles during the epidemic SongbirdMichael Bay, whom we know from Transformers movies, is in the executive chair of ‘. The film is directed by Adam Mason.

Are the producers trying to use fear?

Songbird’s trailer also brought up a topic that has been discussed for a long time. Covid-19 pandemic Some producers who want to make money by taking advantage of this situation of people who have psychologically difficult times because of this, may turn to films that will further fuel this fear. Songbird shows us that a process that we can consider as very difficult as of 2020 can get worse. Well, seeing movies like this in today’s conditions psychology Could it be worse? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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