
Technology that Enables the Seeing of Colors We Cannot See

Researchers at Tel Aviv University developed a major technology for cameras in their research, the result of which they published. With their technology, the researchers enabled seeing colors invisible to the human eye for less than today’s equipment.

As humans, we cannot see some colors even though they are in front of our eyes. But At Tel Aviv University A new study has found a solution to this problem. Researchers will make visible colors that our eyes and ordinary cameras cannot see.

We will have to use a camera again to see the colors we cannot see. The researchers reported the results of the research they developed this camera. Laser & Photonics Reviews published in the October 2020 issue of the magazine. Researchers’ new cameras have the opportunity to use in many areas of our lives.

Colors that cannot be seen by the human eye will be visible:

Our eyes are only 400 nanometers and 700 nanometers It can see photons between wavelengths. However, this range occupies an extremely small place in the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and more. Below 400 nanometers ultraviolet or above 700 nanometers with UV radiation infrared radiation (near – middle – far).

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Technology developed with research, such as hydrogen, carbon and sodium gas and its substances makes it visible. In addition to these substances, which normally have their own colors in the infrared spectrum, it will also enable us to see biological components found in nature but invisible to the naked eye.



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Researchers point out that the colors remaining in the parts we cannot see are extremely important. For many materials have their own color owner. In this way, cancer cells can be detected easily. But to be able to do so until today to expensive equipment was needed.

Researchers’ new technologies are one of today’s technologies. cheaper and offers better efficiency. The camera developed, can be attached to a standard camera and by this means the camera makes the middle infrared region visible. The researchers also obtained a patent for the technology they developed and have already started negotiations with international companies.

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