
PlayStation 5 crashes on sleep mode

Some PlayStation 5 owners are reporting that the console cannot be put into sleep mode, it crashes while trying to get it. According to other PlayStation 5 owners, crashing problems are also experienced while playing games. While the cause of the errors is unknown, Sony has not yet received any explanation on the subject.

Japan-based technology giant Sony’s new console released yesterday PlayStation 5, came up with various problems from day one. In our news that we shared with you hours ago, PlayStation 5 is a with software problem We said that he was facing. Now users are dealing with a new problem.

According to reports from some players, the PlayStation 5 is self-evident while playing a game. freezing. According to some players, the console crashes on sleep mode and the game cannot be suspended. There is currently no official statement regarding the problems that annoy the users.

The root cause of this problem, according to some Reddit users, is USB ports and the LAN cable is full. While some players say that they do not have any problems after removing these cables, according to some players, this method does not work. What’s even more interesting is that while some players had these issues before the first software update, after update that there was no problem.


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As a matter of fact, such problems occur on first-party consoles. usual A situation. The fact that the first owners of both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 reported different problems is an indication of this. However, how agile Sony or Microsoft will behave with these issues is for now Unknown.

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