
Competition Authority launched an investigation against

Turkey’s largest classifieds sites to Law No. 4054 by the Competition Authority’s investigation was opened by the alleged violation of Article 6.

Competition between electronics marketplace companies in our country is getting hotter day by day. For many years real estate and vehicle ads A new investigation was initiated against, one of the leading companies in its field.

According to the new statement made by the Competition Authority 15 October 2020 The investigation initiated on the date of the Law on the Protection of Competition of Alleged violation of Article 6 was launched upon. statement from the Competition Authority:

The Competition Board, addressing the allegation that the applications of Sahibinden Bilgi Teknolojileri Paz. Regarding the period examined in the investigation conducted with the decision numbered 12/147-M, Sahibinden Bilgi Teknolojileri Tic.A. Ş., With the number 20-46 / 627-M, dated 15.10.2020. ”

Article 6 of the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054:

It is illegal and prohibited for one or more undertakings to abuse their dominant position in the market of goods or services in the whole or part of the country, either alone or through agreements or collective behaviors with others.

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Examples of abuse are in particular:

  • a) Actions aimed at directly or indirectly preventing another undertaking from entering the commercial activity field or making the activities of competitors difficult in the market,
  • b) To discriminate directly or indirectly by putting forward different conditions for equal and equal rights, obligations and actions to buyers in equal conditions,
  • c) The purchase of other goods or services together with a good or service, or if a good or service requested by the buyers in the case of intermediary undertakings is conditional on the display by the buyer, or if a purchased good is not sold under a certain price. imposing restrictions on terms of purchase and sale in case of sale,
  • d) Actions aimed at distorting the conditions of competition in another market of goods or services by taking advantage of the financial, technological and commercial advantages created by the dominance in a particular market,
  • e) Restriction of production, marketing or technical development to the detriment of the consumer.

The competition of advertisement sites operating in the internet environment in our country is getting hotter day by day. As in all other fields, the fair functioning of the competitive environment in this field depends on legal regulations. The responsibilities of companies are clearly stated in the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition.

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