
Statement on In-Game Ads from NBA 2K21

Bombarded with criticism over in-game ads that infuriated the players, 2K Games finally made a statement. According to the statements made by the developer, the ad plugin in question unexpectedly affected the experience and will be fixed in future updates.

Although the NBA 2K series is the most popular series for basketball-themed games lovers, especially in the last few years, errors, problems, micro payments and in-game ads is highly criticized with. Yes, in-game ads…

NBA 2K series, like other popular games of $ 60 (price varies from platform to platform in Turkey) despite having a price tag like game, in-game non-skippable ads NBA 2K21 was no exception in this regard.

When you open NBA 2K21 and enter the ‘Quick Match’ option, you will see a digital billboard and you will see a you have to watch commercials. After this commercial, there is a real NBA 2KTV footage and you can pass the scene from now on.

While in-game ads are extremely commonplace when it comes to free mobile games showing in a game for which you paid the full price they are not elements that we are quite accustomed to and can accept. For this reason, 2K Games is bombarded with criticism for in-game advertisements.

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NBA 2K21

2K Games, who shared a statement from the official Twitter account of NBA 2K21 due to the increasing criticism, “As you know, ads have been integrated into the 2KTV segment in the last few years. Yesterday 2KTV ad placement affected the experience of our players in an unwanted were not meant to be part of the pre-game promotion. “ used the expressions.

“In upcoming episodes (updates) we will fix this. 2K Games, in a sense, showed that he listened to the criticism of the players. Of course, we do not know how this update will come or ‘how much’ it will fix the ads.

This is how in-game ads in NBA 2K21 come across

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