
Sabotage Attempt at Tesla Factory

It turns out that a sabotage attempt was prevented at Tesla’s factory in California. The incident, revealed through internal emails, reveals that an employee was caught trying to sabotage the production process. According to the information obtained, the employee in question was fired after he was caught.

Having the rightful pride of being the number one of the electric motor car industry TeslaIt turned out that an interesting event took place in the main production factory located in the state of California. In the incident revealed by Bloomberg News, a factory employee’s production at the factory in order to sabotage Reported to act but fail. According to reports, the sabotage attempt disrupted production for only a few hours.

The incident at the Tesla factory, internal emails came to light through. According to the information in the e-mail in question, the IT and InfoSec teams at the Tesla factory were trying to erase the traces of the sabotage attempt after the employee realized the incident. they catch. It seems that the rapid reaction of the IT and InfoSec teams has prevented serious damage to the company.

Tesla, an official statement about the incident did not. However, according to the information obtained, the employee whose name is not disclosed confessed. Upon this confession, he was dismissed from Tesla. However, it is currently unknown whether the incident was limited to this or was reported to law enforcement officers. No confirmation has been made on this issue yet.


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By the way, this is not the first time that this is happening to Tesla. In a news we shared with you a few months ago, a Tesla employee Since spying is offered However, we mentioned that the loyalty of the employee prevents this situation. Even the espionage incident at that time Elon Musk It was confirmed by. We will probably hear an official statement on this event in the near future.

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