
Google Chrome Will Show Warning For Compromised Passwords

In the blog post shared today, Google provided information about the innovations that will come with the Chrome 86 version. One of these features was that users will now be notified of their compromised passwords.

According to Statista’s data, in the world today 3.5 billion people is using smart phone. Of course, with such a large number of users, it is up to companies to ensure the best security of people and to protect them from threats at the same rate as users. Because the internet can be a tool that is abused by many people.

Google, which wants to reduce this threat and help its users in this regard, shared a new announcement today. The company uses the internet browser Google Chrome On iOS and Android versions announced that it will use a new feature. Thanks to this feature, users whose passwords may have been compromised will now be warned by Google.

A warning will be displayed for passwords that may have been compromised:

According to Google’s share, Google Chrome internet browser with Chrome 86 version If passwords saved in the browser are compromised will send an alert to its users. The user who receives this warning will notify you of any password saved in the internet browser Clicking on the offered link will be able to change easily and avoid risk.

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In addition, Google shared other security features that will be offered to users with Chrome 86. Accordingly, Google Chrome, developed for iOS, is now before auto-fill passwords. to biometric verification will apply. Users will benefit from the auto-fill feature by entering their Face ID, Touch ID or phone passwords.


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Another upcoming feature will be for desktop and Android users. Users placed on HTTPS pages when filling unsafe forms they will be warned now. Also, downloads initiated by secure pages with Chrome 86 will either be blocked or notified to users.

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