
Air-Purifying Bicycle Wheel Developed

A designer named Kristen Tapping has developed a bicycle wheel that can clean the surrounding air. This wheel cleans air pollutants such as ozone, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide using its three filter layers. Moreover, this wheel has a very efficient structure.

Increasing traffic density and people’s need for sports led them to bicycles. Many people today, especially short-distance roads with their bicycles folds. Moreover, thanks to bicycles, people do not pollute the environment. But now a wheel has been produced that can do more than just pollute the environment. “ROLLOEThis wheel, called “, has a unique feature.

ROLLOE, Kristen Tapping It was created by a designer named. At the same time, the magic of ROLLOE, an award-winning design cleans the air to be. Think of it like this; In addition to not polluting the environment while riding a bicycle with this wheel, you can clean the environment. So how is this possible?

Here’s that bike wheel that cleans the air while it keeps spinning

ROLLOE has a layered structure. As you spin one by one, draw in the surrounding air and filtering In this way, ROLLOE distributes air that is purified from air pollutants such as ozone, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide to the environment again. ROLLOE, while the air cleaning process three layers of filtering realizes thanks.


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What we told about ROLLOE is that this wheel has a very complicated construction. can think. However, this approach is not quite correct. Because the weight of ROLLOE is only 1 kilogram around. This means that you can support environmental cleanliness while keeping your cycling experience almost the same. So is this wheel that effective?


ROLLOE can filter 0.665 cubic meters of air per kilometer. To elaborate this a little more, if every 10 out of 100 bikes If this wheel is used, air filtration of 20 times the size of Trafalgar, one of London’s largest and most well-known squares, is achieved. That this is very important for the future of our planet. keep in mind is required.

Kristen Tapping, designer of ROLLOE, is currently the third prototype working on. Tapping, who made statements about the wheel during an interview with RedBull, If it can provide financing He says it can be put into production within 18 to 24 months. This kind of wheel seems to attract people who are sensitive to nature even more into bicycles.

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