
Released Games of Consoles from PS1 to PS5

PlayStation 5 will be released soon. Let’s remember with which games all the PlayStation versions that have been released so far were first released.

Many years ago Sonyin the home console market, which our elders call “atari” PlayStation had a glorious success with. Save files of our games without its own memory Memory Stick Consoles have changed a lot since the time we recorded it on small cassettes called. Each new version also created its own legend games.

To fulfill the functions of the consoles his need for games however, it never decreased. Each new console came with its own games. Let’s go on a time travel together and first In 1994 Let’s remember the release games of each console since the PlayStation released.



The legendary scrolling platform game was pretty tough. Still, it promised very enjoyable hours in its brightly colored world.

Total Eclipse Turbo

total eclipse turbo

Let’s go to space, fight in space. What should we do not hit enemy ships?”The theme game was originally produced for another console and later portrayed.

Ridge Racer

ridge racer

Before Tokyo Drift the concept of drift The game that teaches started a generation’s love of making snooze with Doğan-like Falcons. In the game, we were participating in races from right to left in an imaginary city and we were constantly trying to turn sideways.

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PlayStation 2

ESPN games

ice Hockey

Here is a game for skiing, another game for athletics, EA Sports A game for all whatever is not caught by … Olympic it was possible to do.



Let’s play football but also wrestle this outstanding game for a generation. American aimed to teach football. We couldn’t learn but played the game a lot.

Tekken Tag Tournament

tekken tag tournament

Let’s fight let’s fight even moreLet’s fight themed game main Tekken was not included in the story. Generally, he aimed to fight characters in arcade halls. It was a game that ate our lives because it did not eat tokens.

PlayStation 3

Call of Duty 3

cod 3

To consoles FPS is coming This game, which is the indicator, was the starting point of the discussions on keyboard + mouse or console controller.

NBA 2K07

nba 2k7

Among the sports games of its time one of the most interesting had happened. The game attracted great attention and paved the way for enjoying basketball to the fullest.

NFL 07

nfl 2007

A little more Football We played the game, discovered the defense and attack sets. Star players we pursued We still haven’t learned how the game is actually played.

PlayStation 4

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Templars and assassins Welcome to the next act in the struggle between. In this game Caribbean We were fighting among the pirates, we were carrying the struggle on land to the sea.

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Knack as a semi-golem creature named the world and humanity goblin The game that we tried to protect from the creatures called, offered a very interesting and colorful world.

PlayStation 5

Demon’s Souls

demon's souls

Action with a strong atmosphere RPG games a game that lovers are looking forward to Demon’s SoulsWill be one of the PS5’s release games.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales

spider man miles morales

Who wants to combine the great success of the first game with the success of animation Sony’s His next work will come to PS5.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure


LittleBigPlanet The game that fans are eagerly waiting for is a adventure / platform game it will be. It can be played together with up to four people.

PlayStation 5 On 12 November will go on sale. In some regions, the release date will be November 19th. Although we have included 3 games in our list, the game will have a very rich game environment.

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Dikkat: Sitemiz herkese açık bir platform olduğundan, çox fazla kişi paylaşım yapmaktadır. Sitenizden izinsiz paylaşım yapılması durumunda iletişim bölümünden bildirmeniz yeterlidir.