
Realme Released Update for 5I, 5S and 5 Models

October security patch released for Realme 5, Realme 5S and Realme 5I models. Updates have started to be distributed to users.

Security patches and updates are a must for our smartphones and other devices. Realme also released the October 2020 security update for its 5 series devices.

The version of the new update is RMX1911EX_11.C.59. The name of the update was the same for the models that were released, Realme 5, Realme 5S and Realme 5I. The previous security update received by the devices came in June.

Realme develops systems

C.59 update generally includes improvements in terms of system performance and optimization. To update October 2020 Android security update well placed. With the last update in the media system, Google Play and Qualcomm components some bugs have been fixed.

Malicious persons, if these vulnerabilities are not resolved, Android It can interfere with devices by using optional codes on smart phones. This means both privacy and access to data. serious risk make up.


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For the new update, the company is the same for every phone. change list published. The two most prominent innovations in this list, September and October security patches happened to have been applied to this update.

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How to update Realme 5 series smartphones?


Smartphone manufacturers updates under normal circumstances automatically sends to the smart phones of its users. However, some users need to use their phones for different reasons. update themselves prefers.


Realme 5 Pro Receives A New Security Update

Realme 5, Realme 5I or Realme 5S If you want to update your smartphone yourself, what you need to do is actually quite simple. When starting this process at least 60% battery charge make sure you have it. The steps you should follow are as follows:

  • Settings Enter to
  • Software update Click on
  • If there is an update, your smartphone automatically will show.
  • If your phone doesn’t show updates manual control choose.
  • update will now appear. You can start the download process.

So you can update your Realme 5, Realme 5S and Realme 5I smartphones.

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