
Intriguing Xbox Series X Campaign from KFC and Microsoft

The famous “fast food” chain KFC with Microsoft started a new campaign in cooperation. As part of the campaign, one person will win an Xbox Series X and one person will win a KFC-themed Xbox Series X controller.

In a news we reported to you in June this year, the famous “fast food” chain KFC KFConsole We reported that he introduced a new console he named. In this promotion, which is very likely to be a parody, the console Coming out on November 12 It was stated.

Although there has been no new development regarding KFC’s KFConsole since that day, the company started a new campaign for the Xbox Series X by collaborating with Microsoft. As part of the campaign, KFC Xbox Series X controller will give.

KFC-themed Xbox Series X controller

Such marketing tactics are frequently used by companies, especially in new products to be launched. For example, Microsoft had previously used the Xbox One console. Cyberpunk 2077 themed and Wonder Woman themed It had released a limited number of consoles.

The company, again for a similar campaign Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) went to a partnership with. Within the scope of this partnership between the two companies, one of the participants is the Xbox Series X, and the other is specially designed. KFC-themed Xbox Series X controller will be given.

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This campaign in partnership with KFC and Microsoft It started on 19 October and will continue until 15 November.. To participate in this campaign, it is necessary to purchase a KFC box menu and enter the code in the box into the KFC application.


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A similar campaign was made by Sony. Sony, Burger King He announced that he would give a new generation console to a person by collaborating with him. The only downside of these campaigns for us is that both United Kingdom be valid for.

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