
NVIDIA Announces New Development Platform Jetson Nano 2GB

NVIDIA announced the Jetson Nano 2GB, its new single board computer. The mini computer, which can be used in robotic coding and artificial intelligence projects, seems to be preferred by consumers who want to specialize in these areas. Nvidia’s new single-board computer can now be pre-ordered.

The number one name in the graphics card industry NVIDIA, from time to time also comes up with single-card computers. These single-card computers, called “Jetson”, help people who work on robotics or artificial intelligence in their work. The company has now added a new one to these computers. “Jetson Nano 2GBThe computer called “seems to attract attention with its affordable price.

Jetson Nano 2GB is an alternative to products such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi. According to NVIDIA this product, especially robotic coding and it is ideal for consumers who want to learn about artificial intelligence systems. Multiple projects with Linux-based computer, CUDA-X software and utilities prototype It seems like it can be created.

Here is NVIDIA’s new single board computer

According to the statements made by NVIDIA, this single board computer is learn also helps for. Because when a user starts to use Jetson Nano 2GB it is open source JetBot AI It contains a comprehensive guide to learn the robot development platform and the certificate program called Jetson AI.


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According to the information obtained, Jetson Nano 2GB, ARM A57 using its processor. The processor with a speed of 1.43 GHz is supported by a 128 core Maxwell GPU and 2 GB RAM with DDR4 structure. In addition, this single board computer includes one microSD, one USB Type-A 3.0, two USB Type-A 2.0, one HDMI, one ethernet, one CSI-2 The camera has a USB Type-C (for power supply) and 40 PIN input-output connector.

NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB

NVIDIA’s new single board computer with all these features is currently pre order can be given. The Jetson Nano 2GB, which is expected to be delivered before the end of October, is priced at $ 59 (approx. 450 TRY + taxes).

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