
Karel’s ‘IT Strategy Day’ Event Officially Begins

Karel Turkey’s leading technology companies, “IT Strategy Day” events of October 6 the fourth Tuesday 09: 00-17: 00 carries. IT managers from leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, VMware and Kaspersky will also be on the stage at the event.

communications in Turkey, cloud, electronics, telecommunications, and defense industries in areas such as security technology company serving the KarelWill hold an event on Tuesday, October 6th. This year fully online for free The event to be held will enable the leading IT executives of the sector to convey their plans for the future.

Held for the fourth time “IT Strategy Day“The online event will witness the statements of executives working in important technology companies such as Microsoft, VMware, Kaspersky, Cisco, Acıbadem University, F5 Networks, Solliance, Veritas, Çözümpark, Özgür Yazılım and ULAK, as well as Karel. Event More than 7,500 The IT professional will also attend as a listener.

IT Strategy Day event, domestic video conferencing software developed by Karel using will be realized. Within the scope of the event, today’s most critical the subject will be shared Turkey’s medium and long-term forecasts for the IT sector.

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Participation in the event, which will be held on Tuesday, October 6, between 09:00 and 17:00 free it will be. Participants must register by filling out the application form before the event. As part of the event, some surprise gifts will be given.


If you are also interested in Karel’s IT Strategy Day If you want to register, you can use the link found here. Also in this link, you can find information about the event program. have detailed information you can.

History: 6 October 2020, Tuesday
Hour: 09:00 – 17:00
Free registration:

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