
Fenerbahçe Released Its First Mobile Game FuBo Rolls

Announcing that it will publish 5 different mobile games, Fenerbahçe has released FuBo Rolls, the first of these games. FuBo Rolls, which is currently only available on the App Store, will be coming to the Play Store in the near future.

Turkey’s biggest sports club Fenerbahcethe first mobile game of Fubo Rolls, officially released. The game, which is currently only available on the iOS platform, will be released for Android users soon.

Fenerbahçe’s first and only official fan application in the past weeks MohicanAli Koç, President of Fenerabahçe Sports Club, during the launch of Fenerbahçe five new mobile games Fubo Rolls, the first of these five games, took its place on the App Store.

Players in Fubo Rolls, which is stated to be designed by Hi Games and MooMoo, will try to overwhelm them by rolling his balls over his opponents. Also, players will be able to activate traps and collect extra bonuses to achieve victory.

Fubo Rolls with a download size of over 200 MB, iOS 10.0 or newer operating system Working with iPhone 5S and all newer iPhones, the same can be played on iPad Air and all newer iPads. You can remove in-game ads by paying a certain fee in the game with English language support and 4+ age limit.

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You can click the link below to download Fubo Rolls

  • Fenerbahce – Fubo Rolls


Fubo Rolls promotional video

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