
Kayra Online will open to Closed Beta on October 29

Kayra Online, developed by a person and based on Turkish mythology, will be released on October 29 with the Closed Beta version. Connecting to the Discord server will be sufficient to register for the closed beta version of the game.

Nowadays it has become very difficult to find old-style MMORPG games. Currently on the market MMORPG their games either do not offer what the player wants, or they do not pay for their efforts. This situation caused MMORPG players to be in a vacuum.

While the variety of MMORPG games abroad was high, one of the factors that kept the players in our country away from these games was the lack of Turkish language support. But in the coming days, new and new Turkish MMORPG players can give a chance A game made in Turkey will exit.

Available October 29:

By one developer only Kayra Online MMORPG named game, October 29 will be released with the closed beta process. After this process, which will allow players to contribute to the development of the game, the game will aim to attract players with its full version in the future.

One of today’s most popular game engines Developed with Unity Kayra Online, in game To the history of Turkish mythology will also include. In other words, the game will contain characters and stories from Turkish mythology. In addition, of course, pure MMORPG experience will be offered to players.

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kayra online


Adding a Public Test Server to VALORANT

One of the most important things that distinguishes Kayra Online from other MMORPG games is this game ‘pay2win‘, a place where the giver blows the whistle lack of. Since this issue is a promise made directly by the developers to the players, we can say that its reliability is also high.

To get more information about the world of Kayra Online to the website you can reach from this link. If you want to be one of the players participating in the closed beta on October 29, the only thing you need to do is on the website. Connecting to the Discord server it will be.

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