
Steam Adds PS5 Controller to Supported Devices

Valve, the name behind the digital distribution platform Steam, announced the addition of PlayStation 5 controller support to its Steam Input API. In the announcement made by Valve, “full support has been added for LED, touchpad, vibration and gyroscope features” expressions were used.

Spoken at least as much as the new generation game console PlayStation 5 with its features PS5 DualSense controller can now be used on Steam. The Steam team, which posted an announcement today, To Steam Input API PS5 controller support added.

In the announcement, players can configure them to use in Death Stranding, No Man’s Sky, Horizon Zero Dawn and other games. LED, touch surface, vibration and gyroscope Stating that full support has been added for its features, Steam will be able to use this support for all players using the public Steam desktop client beta, even after further testing. across the platform He said it will be available to everyone.

The number of people playing games with controllers on Steam is increasing day by day:

Steam Input API allows players to use a supported Steam game almost every controller It is known as a tool that allows it to easily install, operate and remap. In the update note to the developers, Valve said, “millionsIt states that the player uses a controller every day on Steam.

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In the announcement “Controller-friendly games have a controllable rate of 60% or more” said the team, skateboard games He underlines that this ratio exceeds 90% in some games such as. At this point, the increase in the use of controllers, PlayStation controller even higher among its users. So much so that Valve says that gaming sessions with the PlayStation controller across Steam in the past two years have increased from 10.9% to 21.6%.


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The Steam Input API is already available, including the PlayStation 4 controller, Nintendo Switch Pro controller, fight sticks, steering sets, dance surfaces, and almost any other controller imaginable. More than 200 supporting input device.

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