
iPhone 12s to be Ordered Simultaneously in Various Countries

Apple has made the iPhone 12 pre-order screen ready for some country markets. An update on their website did not go unnoticed. Because for the first time this year, Apple will launch iPhone 12s pre-orders based on coordinated universal time, not local time.

US-based technology giant Apple has held the event that its fans have been waiting for for a long time as of yesterday. Within the scope of this event, the company iPhone 12 brought his family together with consumers. Consumers are now counting the days to have their new iPhones. However, Apple decided to go for a different method for pre-orders this year. Accordingly, all consumers in certain countries, iPhone 12 series at the same time they will be able to order.

In general, Apple before the iPhone 12 series every according to the local time of the country was moving. Consumers could pre-order the new iPhone model when the local time of their country arrived at midnight. However, this will not be the case this time. Consumers from all over the world, at the same time They will try to order an iPhone.

According to the statements made by Apple, iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro in some countries On Friday, October 16 It will be opened for pre-order as of. Consumers say, iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max 6 November as of. In addition, as we have just mentioned, consumers from all over the world will be at the computer at the same time to own this smartphone.


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Apple, airpods of Turkey was time to Make Deals: New Deals Here

Base time set on Friday, October 16, according to coordinated universal time (UTC) 12:00. However, in regions with different time zones, this time will vary locally. For example a consumer in the USA (in local time) at 05:00, and a consumer in Germany will be able to access iPhone 12 at 14:00 (local time).

So how in this case will be the case for Turkey?


Apple Turkey, an explanation of the pre-order 12 iPhone calendar for the moment did not. In addition, not only in Turkey, India and it made such a statement in countries such as South Korea. However, Apple iPhone 12 models will matter in Turkey’s market for pre-order on October 16, as in other countries, consumers hour this smartphone 15:00 as of.

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