
IPhone 12 Pro Max Became the Best Screen Phone

DisplayMate, which tested the screens of smartphones, announced the test results of the iPhone 12 Pro Max. In the statements made, it was stated that the iPhone 12 Pro Max was awarded an “A +” rating and the screen of this phone was found to be the best in the market.

Conducting detailed tests on the screens of electronic devices released to the market DisplayMatetested the recently announced iPhone 12 Pro Max. With the tests carried out, Apple’s newest flagship came out as “the device with the best screen among smartphones”. The team, “A +“He officially printed his rating on the iPhone 12 Pro Max’s screen.

DisplayMate officials, iPhone 12 Pro Max’s screen In 11 different categories tested. According to the tests, the iPhone 12 Pro Max has succeeded in giving the unprecedented one among the OLED color matrices with natural light emission, high contrast ratio, color accuracy. In addition to all these tests, iPhone 12 Pro Max is among all models. lowest reflectance rate (4.8 percent), the model that changed the brightness value the least in the decreasing viewing angle (27 percent brightness loss at 30 degrees angle of view).

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In the report created by DisplayMate, the iPhone 12 Pro Max 60 Hz screen refresh rate It was also mentioned. Authorities say that the processor and GPU performance increased with the iPhone 12 family eliminates the insufficiency of 60 Hz fluent They explained that it offers an experience. According to DisplayMate, the screen of the iPhone 12 Pro Max will offer quite adequate performance for almost any application.


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According to experts, the screen of iPhone 12 Pro Max, energy efficiency is also very good in terms of. DisplayMate says Apple has increased energy savings by 10 percent with the iPhone 12 Pro Max compared to the iPhone 11 family. In fact, this statement, although there is not a big difference between iPhone 11 and iPhone 12 in terms of battery with prolonged usage time related. Thanks to all these features, the iPhone 12 Pro Max’s screen has made it the best display device among smartphones.

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