
Nikon Z6 II and Z7 II Introduced: Here is the Price and Features

Nikon introduced the new full frame cameras Z6II and Z7 II. Although the devices that come with 4K 60fps video recording support attract with their features, it is quite difficult to say the same about the price.

Canon’s new mirrorless camera EOS M50 Mark II followed immediately by another Japan-based manufacturer of camera and optical equipment. Nikon new full frame mirrorless cameras Z6 II and Z7 IIannounced.

Nikon Z6 II and Z7 II, both of which are improved versions of the first generation; dual card slots, 4K 60fps video recording support, advanced auto focus, offers a number of features that will especially attract video content producers.

Nikon Z6 II design

Before we move on to innovations, if we look at the features that Nikon Z6 II and Z7 II have protected compared to the first generation; We can say that both models have almost the same body as their predecessors. Also both models are still 24.5 MP and 45.7 MP BSI CMOS image sensor uses.

However, something has changed inside the body. Both models Dual EXPEED 6 image processor case reinforced with. With this processor now both models both eye and animal detection have the property. In addition, auto focus now offers better performance in low light.

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Nikon Z7 II design

Nikon Z7 II

One on both cameras so storage is not an issue XQD / CFexpress card, one too UHS-II SD card has a slot. The processor can save critical content on both cards against any risk.

Nikon Z6 II and Nikon Z7 II prices

Both Nikon Z6 II and Nikon Z7 II are expected to be released before the end of 2020. Nikon Z6 II body only $ 2,000 ($ 15,900 + taxes)With NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f / 4 S lens $ 2,600 (20,670 TL + taxes); Nikon Z7 II for the body only $ 3,000 (23,850 + taxes)With NIKKOR Z 24-70mm f / 4 S lens $ 3,600 (28,620 + taxes) will have the price tag.

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