
Countries with the Highest COVID-19 Death Rate Announced

Oxford University researchers conducted a new coronavirus study. Researchers ranked the countries with the highest COVID-19 death rate worldwide, with San Marino, one of the smallest countries in the world, in first place.

Causing 1.1 million deaths worldwide coronavirus A new study was carried out on the situation of the epidemic in the world. The researchers combined data from 198 countries to infer the countries with the highest COVID-19 death rate.

Conclusion of the study carried out by Oxford University researchers The highest COVID-19 death rate occurred in San Marino, according to. 42 people died in the country where 33.8 thousand people live.

Countries with the highest COVID-19 death rate

Approximately 33,800 people live in San Marino, a very small country. A total of 742 cases were reported in San Marino, of which 42 of them ended in death. The country’s rather low population has resulted in high COVID-19 mortality rates. An average of 1 to 4 COVID cases are detected daily in the country.

Of course, in this calculation, the populations were proportioned and a ranking was made accordingly. Accordingly, Peru, a South American country, followed San Marino with a rate of 101.8 in cumulative deaths per million people. Peru is due to the 9th most cases worldwide COVID It is the 8th country with the most deaths.

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The country that came after Peru was Belgium with a rate of 88.7. COVID-19 in Belgium, Europe became the second country with the highest mortality rate. Andorra, which is known for its small population, followed Belgium. India, which is currently the second country with the most cases and the third country with the most deaths, ranks 87th in the list, while China, where the virus first appeared, ranked 183.

The 20 countries with the highest COVID-19 death rate per hundred thousand people worldwide are listed as follows:

  • San Marino: 123,7
  • Peru: 101,8
  • Belgium: 88,7
  • Andorra: 76,3
  • Bolivia: 72
  • Spain: 71,7
  • Brazil:71,7
  • Chile: 70,2
  • Ecuador: 69,7
  • Mexican: 66.1
  • USA: 65,7
  • Britain: 63,7
  • Italy: 60.1
  • Panama: 58,6
  • Sweden: 58,5
  • Argentina: 56
  • Colombia: 55,9
  • Sint Maarten (Dutch part): 51,3
  • France: 50,7
  • Macedonia: 39.1

Source : country-yasandi,25tfJ7oR6E66F82cuFSy2w/8YWuhZEaxEC8DWzVODrIEg

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