
BTK Has Published A New Communication For .tr Network Information System

BTK ‘, .tr Network Information System (TRABİS) has published a new communiqué in order to make some updates needed for domain name management.

With the Communiqué on the Amendment of the Internet Domain Names Communiqué published in the Official Gazette today, “.tr Network Information System” (TRABİS) Some updates needed for the commissioning and domain name management were made by BTK. The application for the transfer of IANA / ICANN from METU to BTK was approved last year.

The “.tr” extension domain names, which have a market of approximately 10 million TL, have determined the necessary policies and procedures for “.tr” domain name transactions between 1991-1998. By the METU Computer Center provided. However, at the end of the process that started last year, this authorization is transferred to BTK.


‘Tr’ Extension Authority at METU Passed to BTK after 29 Years

“Nic.t are” records when viewed in Turkey as of the first quarter of 2020 417 thousand 100 “.tr” extension domain name seems to take place. While “” extension has the largest share with 83.1 percent; “” and “” with 3.3 percent and “” with 2.6 percent are the other most popular “.tr” extensions.

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Said “tr” domain name extension barındırılırk of 78.1 percent in Turkey; 10.4 percent in the USA5.6 percent in Germany, 1.6 percent in France, 1.3 percent in the UK, 1.2 percent in the Netherlands and 1.7 percent in other countries. continues to be hosted.

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