
Pokemon Go Streamer’s Phone Stolen Live

Pokemon Go game, which was released by Niantic in 2016, is still loved by many people. The game, played by millions of people around the world, continues to be a guest of interesting events.

Niantic, augmented reality game for millions of Pokemon fans around the world in 2016 Pokemon Gohad presented. The game, which has made a huge impact around the world, has been released in a limited number of countries, but the fans in countries where the game has not officially been released somehow managed to get the game.

Niantic made it possible to play the game from home due to the coronavirus outbreak. Ultimately, Pokemon Go is a game that should be played out and has been the subject of many interesting events until now. For example, a player passed the quarantine 2 months ago and Fine of $ 1,600 seven.

His phone was stolen while playing Pokemon Go

As we said above, Pokemon Go is a game designed to be played outside and playing outside some risks brings with it. One of these risks was faced by a publisher named Anthony.

According to the news in The Gamer, while Anthony was broadcasting from his phone, he was attacked by four people and had his phone stolen. Although the face of the attackers was not visible, the voices were heard quite clearly because the broadcaster was broadcasting only over the phone. Although Anthony told the attackers that he had nothing and was live, he could not escape the robbery and thieves escaped with the broadcaster’s phone. The broadcast continued even though the phone’s screen was locked.


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Pokemon Go Manages to Break a Record Despite Coronavirus

As we said before, this isn’t the first interesting event that Pokemon Go has been a guest of. Previously, a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed while playing Pokemon Go, and a person playing Pokemon Go in the USA found a body by the river.

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