
AMD Purchases Chip Maker Xilinx for $ 35 Billion

US-based technology giant AMD announced in a statement that it acquired the chip maker Xilinx. According to the statement made by the company, the price of this purchase made by AMD is 35 billion dollars.

In a news we reported to you about a month ago, NVIDIA’s semiconductor manufacturer ARM 40 billion dollars We mentioned that you bought it in exchange. We mentioned that NVIDIA’s making such a move will put AMD, its biggest competitor in the field of graphics cards, in a very difficult situation.

After a month, a counterattack came from AMD, not exactly against NVIDIA. Chipmaker Xilinx, founded in 1984 35 billion dollars announced that it had purchased in return. It is estimated that this agreement with Xilinx will give AMD a great power especially in the field of engineering.

AMD buys Xilinx for $ 35 billion

It is estimated that this agreement between the two companies will lead to AMD in areas such as FPGA chips. Xilinx, FPGA (field programmable gate array) It is the largest in the world in production.

So, what is this move that seems to be the most important for FPGA and AMD? FPGA, at the chip level where it is produced are reprogrammable chips and makes these features useful in many areas. Military and aerospace industries frequently make use of FPGA hardware. also AMD and Intel Companies like, make use of FPGA when prototyping their CPU designs.


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Programmable FPGA arrays; broad-based, reliable In 5G network infrastructures It also has an important point, which is shown as another area that will give AMD an advantage. At the beginning of our news, we said that this purchase of AMD is not exactly a response to NVIDIA. This move by AMD was a move that concerns more Intel, with which it competes in the processor field. This move of AMD, which is gradually gaining strength against Intel, is considered quite important.

Source : 499492.0.html

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