
Repairing iPhone 12’s Camera Has Been Much More Difficult

A new information has emerged regarding the repair of the camera module of Apple’s iPhone 12 model. Accordingly, the iPhone 12 camera may lose some of its features if it is replaced by third-party repairers.

You may have heard that repairing iPhone devices is relatively difficult. Seems like iPhone 12 This situation will not be different for both. Replacing the iPhone 12’s camera module by third-party repairers has been made more difficult, according to a report published by iFixt.

In the report published by iFixit, for the iPhone 12 camera to function normally after part replacement software authorization It was stated that required. Such a requirement was not found in previous generation iPhone models.

Repairing the camera module of iPhone 12 has been made difficult

Previous iPhone models did not require any extra action to replace the camera module. iFixit, screen and camera most replaced and repaired says it was found among the pieces. Apple continues to increase adding such restrictions to its devices.

Apart from Apple’s official authorization, the iPhone 12 camera can be changed, but users may encounter various problems during normal use. iFixit states that the camera cannot be switched to ultra-wide angle and only works in certain camera modes. Other modes are completely unusable is becoming.

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iphone 12 camera

iFixit is only responsible for this software authorization. System Configuration He said it could be accomplished with an Apple app called. This kind of authority is only available in organizations such as Apple Store and Best Buy. When this situation first appeared it was thought to be some kind of error. However, when Apple’s repair guide was checked, it turned out that this was not a bug.


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As we said above, this situation only applicable to iPhone 12 models and it does not affect other iPhone models. Therefore, it is very important for iPhone 12 owners to go to an authorized Apple service in case of any problems.

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