
The Benefits And Harm Of Kapuz – What Are The Benefits

The benefits and harms of Kapuz With its red color and juicy texture, one of the indispensable flavors of summer months is watermelon. Helping to get rid of the peace of mind brought by the summer months, watermelon is perceived by many as only fiber and water. However, watermelon isn’t just about fiber and water. It also contains more vitamins and minerals than you might think. Thus, it has managed to become a wide variety of fruits for human health.
Those who want to cool off in the heat of summer and increase the water ratio of the body embrace the watermelon. This fruit is so loved that it is used as a model and pattern in various textile products. Even the watermelon pattern inspires images and a variety of accessories. It is used not only as a fruit, but also as a flavoring in skin care products and various prepared foods. So what are the benefits of watermelon so popular all over the world? If you are curious about the answers to such questions, you can read our entire article.

What is a watermelon?

A single season watermelon has ivy stalk on the ground. Although its homeland is known as South Africa, it is easily grown in almost all countries. There is a lot of watermelon cultivation in our country. World famous watermelons are grown in Diyarbakır. The benefits and great taste of watermelon are not new, they were discovered almost 1000 years ago. It is believed that it was first grown on the bank of the river.

Nutritional value of watermelon

Watermelon consists of about 90% water. However, watermelon juice contains many vitamins and minerals. Again, there are 30 kcal calories in 100 grams of watermelon. Nutritional value of watermelon Yes;

  • Carbohydrate,
  • Protein,
  • Fiber,
  • Niacin
  • Folate
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamins a, c and e,
  • Vitamin B6,
  • Copper,
  • Iron,
  • Sodium,
  • Potassium,

Vitamins and minerals such as calcium are available. Watermelon, one of the gifts that nature gives to people, should be consumed in abundance in season.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Watermelon has great benefits for both body health and skin. Anyone who wants to diet and lose excess weight, especially in the summer months, should not stop using watermelon. Since it contains plenty of water, it can meet the body’s water need and get the energy required for the body from watermelon. Watermelon benefits Yes;

  • Watermelon meets the body’s water needs and prevents body drowsiness in heat.
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As a result of research, it has been proven that watermelon prevents dehydration. It meets the water need of the body with the abundant water it contains. Water loss from the body increases during the summer months, but consuming watermelon will maintain your body’s moisture balance. In addition, people who experience dryness and exfoliation should definitely consume a lot of watermelon. Because it moisturizes the body and skin.

  • With watermelon, you can regulate blood pressure.

Watermelon contributes to the regulation of blood pressure. Especially for overweight people, watermelon consumption balances blood pressure and contributes to lowering high blood pressure. In addition, thanks to the abundant potassium and magnesium it contains, you can have a more regular blood pressure and you can move freely during the day.

  • Watermelon has high antioxidant properties.

All red fruits and vegetables are excellent natural products for blood, vascular and heart health. Watermelon is one of them. Thanks to its powerful antioxidant content, it cleans toxins and harmful substances in the blood. It also protects cardiovascular health. It is very important to consume a slice of watermelon on an empty stomach in the morning to cleanse the body and heart. If you feel that toxins build up in your body and swelling in your hands and feet, you can consume plenty of watermelon to detoxify.

  • Watermelon protects bone health because it contains lycopene.

It strengthens bones and makes them healthier by reducing oxidative stress that causes bone disease. Thanks to the lycopene it contains, it contributes to the development and strengthening of bones. It also allows blood vessels to expand. Women should regularly consume watermelon after menopause. Again, men should consume watermelon regularly for bone and vascular health after the age of 50. Of course, watermelon is one of the most important blessings not only for old age but also for growing children. It is recommended that children consume plenty of watermelon, just like adults, to increase the height and to have a wider bone structure.

  • It offers treatment for respiratory diseases such as asthma.

Watermelon is a good natural option for people suffering from respiratory illnesses such as shortness of breath and asthma. Regular consumption of watermelon during the day prevents the progression of asthma. It also helps you breathe comfortably.

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  • It is like a shield against cancer.

Watermelon provides great protection against cancer, the biggest disease of our age. With its vitamin C content and antioxidant properties, it prevents the contraction and spread of various cancer cells. It also prevents free radicals from spreading to other parts of the body. It is famous for preventing cancerous diseases such as prostate cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. If you are at risk of bowel cancer or have various intestinal ailments, watermelon should be consumed with seeds. Because although watermelon seeds facilitate digestion, they contribute to a more active and healthy function of the intestines. If you are going to consume watermelon seeds, it is recommended that you crush the seeds in your mouth.

  • Watermelon prevents chronic constipation.

Since watermelon has a very watery structure, it contributes to the softening of intestines and stool. For this reason, it is a good treatment for people suffering from constant constipation. A lot of watermelon should be consumed in constipation problems.

  • Watermelon is a good food for hemorrhoids.

It is recommended to consume watermelon for hemorrhoid patients as it softens the stool and facilitates defecation. It also plays an active role in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the area. Especially in problems such as bloody hemorrhoids, this watermelon treatment should be used frequently.

  • Watermelon is good for muscle pain.

Watermelon should be consumed for muscle pain. Especially athletes or anyone who does sports should consume watermelon and watermelon juice to relieve muscle pain and achieve a more comfortable muscle structure. Thanks to the amino acids found in watermelon, it eliminates muscle problems.

  • Watermelon helps you lose weight.

Thanks to the plenty of water and fiber it contains, it will make it easier to lose weight. Dietitians recommend the watermelon diet for those who want to lose weight, especially in summer. Thanks to its fibrous and low calorie content, it keeps your energy in place throughout the day and keeps you full all day.

The problem of sleeping increases with the increasing heat in the summer months. Therefore, if you have problems such as insomnia, it is recommended to consume a slice of watermelon before going to bed. It provides a more comfortable and efficient sleep process throughout the night.

  • It is extremely important for liver health.
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When watermelon is consumed, all toxins that accumulate in internal organs are excreted through sweat and urine. Especially in fatty liver and liver diseases, watermelon should be consumed. One slice of watermelon should be consumed on an empty stomach for liver problems.

Health benefits of watermelon skin

Watermelon, which contains all this healing, is also very beneficial for skin health. Benefits of watermelon skin Yes;

  • Thanks to the lycopene it contains, it enables the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun to come out of the skin.
  • It makes hair look moist and plump with sebum production.
  • Increase the moisture content of the skin by feeding the skin from within.
  • It prevents skin wrinkles with the vitamin A it contains. It reduces the effects of aging.
  • It helps you achieve a fuller and stronger skin structure.
  • Watermelon increases the elasticity of the skin. This will help you look younger and healthier.
  • It promotes slow hair growth and contributes to faster and stronger growth.
  • Watermelon damage
  • When watermelon is consumed correctly, you can see many benefits. However, it also carries some damages due to its excessive and unconscious consumption. Harms of watermelon;
  • When you consume too much, it can lower your blood pressure. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure should consume more carefully.
  • Watermelon is a gas-producing fruit. Caution is required in infants and children.
  • When consumed in excess, it brings problems such as diarrhea.
  • Since it is a sugary fruit, diabetics should consume small amounts.
  • If too much is consumed during pregnancy, it will lead to diabetes during pregnancy.

How to consume watermelon?

When consuming watermelon, you should pay attention to its freshness. Rotten or immature watermelon can cause many health problems and even adverse conditions such as food poisoning. Although it is consumed fresh, watermelon aroma is used in some ready-made foods. In some regions, watermelon rind jam is made. You can also consume watermelon juice.

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