
Huawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design’s price revealed

The back cover and price of the Mate 40 RS Porsche Design, the special design of the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei’s flagship Mate 40 series, have emerged. The price of the Mate 40 RS Porsche Design will be around 100 euros cheaper than its equivalent in the Mate 30.

Huawei, its new flagship on October 22 Mate 40 series will promote. Of course, as the introduction date of the Mate 40 series approaches, the information about the phones in the series begins to increase gradually.

However, the new information that has emerged this time belongs to a specially designed device in the series: Huawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design. The back cover of this special design Mate 40 model and its astonishing price emerged.

Huawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design design and price

Teme (@ RODENT950), one of the reliable sources in the smartphone world, shared the back cover design and price of the phone on his Twitter account. The back cover of the phone, which you can see from the image above, is not metal or plastic. made of ceramic. There is also a white version, although there is a black version here.

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Also, according to the source that revealed the photo, the price of the Huawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design 2000 euro, that is approximately 18 thousand 600 TL without tax it will be. In addition, Huawei’s Mate 30 RS is about 100 euros cheaper than Porsche Design.

huawei mate 40 rs porsche design price


Rendered images of Huawei Mate 40 Pro revealed

At the event to be held on October 22, Huawei Mate 40, Mate 40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro + models will be introduced, and Porsche Design will be for the 40 Pro +. also Kirin 9000 Various statements are expected to be made about. There is no clear information about when the Mate 40 series, which will be sold in China on October 30, will go on sale worldwide.

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