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I’m on a diet but can’t lose weight:

When you start the diet to lose weight, you want to get results that will make you happy. However, sometimes you might say “I’m on a diet but I can’t lose weight”. Well, why could this happen? Let’s talk about the reasons and solutions for not losing weight.

First of all, I want to draw attention to the following point: A table needs four legs to stand firm and upright. Likewise, all needs must be met in order to lose weight healthily. Doing one and not doing the other can make you feel upset by saying “I can’t lose weight”.

Watch your day and get it written

Sometimes we live as usual and don’t realize what we’re doing. Yes, we want to lose weight and we are taking some steps for that. Well, is it adequate? For the solution, I recommend:

From the moment you wake up, follow yourself like a director. Realize what you are doing and what you are not doing to lose weight. At the end of the day, write down honestly in your notebook.

Your attention points may include:

  • Did I drink a glass of water per hour?
  • Have I completed my daily 10,000 steps goal?
  • Have I had breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner?
  • Did I pay attention to my tea and coffee consumption amount?
  • If I have a disease, have I used my medicine to treat it?
  • How much did I consume packaged food, pastry, cola or sugar?
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These questions and your honest answers to them will light your way to ease. From my experience, I see that when they start writing, many people realize how many shortcomings they actually have. Most importantly, it takes action to fix these deficiencies.

Imagine losing weight to strengthen willpower in the diet.

Remember your body has a soul and a mind

When I post messages about “I lost weight” from my followers on social media, I usually come across the following question: “How long did it arrive?” Of course one reason for this problem is the need to know that there is a certain amount of time. However, it also has a downside: Negotiating with the body…

Think of it this way: How soon will I lose weight, when will I lose weight, I cannot lose weight as you say, you show that you do not trust your body… Put yourself in your body’s shoes.

For example, you are in the kitchen to cook. You started a job. Your spouse or a member of your family comes up and stands on you, “When will the food be cooked, when will I have dinner, how long will I wait?” she asks. How would you feel then? If it were me, I guess I would get a little angry and even stop cooking ?

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So my advice to you is to stop negotiating with your body and standing on top. Inside or out loud “I’m on a diet but can’t lose weightPlease stop saying ”. Because this is not useful at all and makes your job very difficult.

Love your body, trust it. He already knows the truth and is ready to fulfill his duty. Just try to help him.

Let’s go over the kitchen example again: While you are cooking, if someone comes to you and asks you: Be easy, is there anything I can help you with? Dese, you would be very pleased, wouldn’t you? That’s it losing weight In the process, maybe this is all that your body expects: Approach it with compassion and give a helping hand …

You can help your body lose weight

Years ago, I took advantage of my weight loss recipes to lose weight. Ginger yogurt cure, cinnamon milk that gives a feeling of satiety, tea that accelerates metabolism… You can help your body with these natural supplements. Below, I am adding the yogurt cure video from my Youtube channel. For more information, I recommend that you immediately reach my Youtube channel and watch the videos there.

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