
4K Ultra HD Vestel Android TVs are on Sale

Vestel’s Android TV models that offer advanced features such as Chromecast and voice assistants were put on the market. Vestel Android TVs, with eight different models in 6 different screen sizes, promise to appeal to all kinds of consumers.

One of Turkey’s largest technology brands Vestel, announced at last year’s Mobile World Congress, the new Android TV finally launched the model. Bluetooth-enabled remote that supports voice command, Google Assistant Android TV, which offers remarkable features such as its support and built-in Chromecast, represents Vestel’s new perspective in the TV industry.

Especially internal Chromecast support, Vestel Android TVmakes it a true multimedia device. Because users can use Chromecast support directly from their mobile devices to the TV. they can project media or screenshots. Also, let’s say that Vestel Android TV has all security, Google and Netflix licenses.

Vestel Android TV reference + platform It promises a real gigantic smartphone experience with more than 3 thousand applications that offer different functions to users. For you to easily install the application you want on the device 4 GB Let’s also mention that it has internal storage.

Vestel Android TV, which has 6 different screen sizes from 43 inches to 65 inches, offers 4K Ultra HD resolution on all models. Vestel Android TV’s price is Starts from 3.599 TL and up to 7.999 TL can rise. Consumers can choose from 8 different models in 6 different sizes according to their needs.

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