
Armenians Against SpaceX’s Taking TURKSAT 5A to Space

SpaceX’s e-mail address is overflowing with emails sent by Armenians. According to the information obtained, the Armenians ask SpaceX not to send the TURKSAT 5A to space. Helpless in the face of the success of Armenians in Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh, they think they will put Turkey in a difficult situation in this way.

One of the issues in Turkey’s recent popular TURKSAT 5A satellite. The satellite will be brought into space by SpaceX, Turkey’s coverage of the Middle East will expand slightly. However, it seems that this is now sister state Azerbaijan disturbs Armenia, which is severely defeated in the face of it. Armenians, entering into a strange SpaceX to expectations, that they should be to help Turkey emails throw.

The e-mail address used to communicate with SpaceX, with messages currently sent by Armenians is full carrying. Armenians all over the world demand that they reach SpaceX with a campaign they have started and not take TURKSAT 5A to space. Azerbaijani soldiers under occupation Nagorno-Karabakh‘Helpless in the face of Armenians unprecedented success, with such an e-mail campaign they think they can cancel the contract between SpaceX and Turkey.

Here are those e-mails that Armenians sent to SpaceX

The content of the e-mails sent to SpaceX in full detail Unknown. However, it should be stated that even the subject of the messages is quite absurd. “What if Elon was Armenian?” When we turn the phrase into Turkish, “What if Elon Musk was an Armenian?” We see that it means. So Armenians, Elon MuskHe wants them to see himself as an Armenian and think about what to do in this situation. Only then can we do such a funny approach.


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Launch date of TURKSAT 5A that SpaceX will take to orbit Announced

“If Elon Musk was a Turk?”

The e-mail campaign, which Armenians desperately embarked on, is wouldn’t work we can say. Because there is an official agreement between the Turkish government and SpaceX. Also, if SpaceX management and Elon Musk are going to take this kind of email campaign seriously, it The Turks “If Elon Musk was a Turk, wouldn’t he want his lands that had been under occupation for nearly 30 years to be saved?” can concentrate on the subject.


The TechCrunch team says they managed to get in touch with the person who started the email campaign. Campaign managerIn his statements on the subject, he states that the e-mails are not sent from a center, but by real people who defend the same idea. The person in question does not belong to any person or group. that they are not connected He claims that dozens of Armenians are killed every day.

They show SpaceX a golden stick

the people who manage the e-mail campaign, particularly the various NATO countries, including the United States to Turkey sanction reminds you of what you think. In that regard, it should be careful also said the SpaceX SpaceX, the company says that despite sanctions should be prepared to work with Turkey in case this would happen. In short, the arrogance of the parties exceeds the limit, SpaceX via Turkey threatens.

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