
Warranty Certificate Storage Period Has Ended

Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan made statements about an arrangement in the current issue of the Official Gazette. According to Pekcan’s explanations, consumers will no longer have to physically store documents such as warranty certificates or service slips. Because these documents can now be transmitted electronically.

Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan, has announced that a new era had begun in Turkey. According to Pekcan’s statements, citizens, given a product from now on warranty card and they will not have to physically store documents such as service reports. Because such documents are no longer online can also be delivered to the consumer.

Consumers had to keep documents such as warranty certificates and service receipts belonging to the products they purchased until now, during the period of use of the product. Because especially the warranty certificate lost products could not receive free service support even though the warranty period was not expired. Warranty Certificate included in the current issue of the Official Gazette, After Sales Services and Promotion and User Manual Regulations ChangesThis document removes the crowd.

Minister Pekcan, while seeking the rights of consumers who lost their documents, with troubles faced He stated that this situation will disappear with the new system. According to the minister, with the new system, neither consumers nor companies that sell products, bureaucracy and with additional costs they won’t have to meet. In addition, the new system will also help reduce contact during the pandemic process.


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According to the statements made by Ruhsar Pekcan, consumers can written documents they will be able to. While there is a requirement for signature and stamp for these documents, stamp and signature conditions will not be required for documents issued electronically. In other words, even if the sent warranty or service document is not signed, it will be valid. In addition, the sellers in the delivery of the relevant documents to the consumer and from proof will be responsible.

Ruhsar Pekcan

The new regulation does not only cover warranty and service documents. Ruhsar Pekcan, introduction and manuals He says that from now on, it can be delivered to the consumer electronically. However, at this point, a new obligation arises for the sellers. This obligation is to provide information on how the consumer will access the user manual. Pekcan, this information product box It states that it will take place on it.

Meanwhile, the scope of products that must be sold with warranty certificates has also been expanded. Reminding that this change took place in February, Minister Pekcan said, smart watch or the sale of products such as wristband, book reader, ATV, electric bike or skateboard, smart home automation, motor bike, motor scooter and yacht with warranty certificate is mandatory expressed.

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