
Samsung Patents a New Smartphone (Video)

Samsung has patented a slide phone with a curved edge-to-edge display on both the front and back. Although the phone, which is still in the patent stage, looks visually impressive, it is a mystery whether it will turn into a real product.

South Korean technology giant Samsung is currently focused on the new flagship smartphone family Galaxy S21, which is expected to be introduced in January. But apparently a number of Samsung engineers are working on a more exciting smartphone than the Galaxy S21.

According to a patent received by Samsung in October, the company is working on a “surround display” design in which almost the entire device consists of a screen. Although the design in question initially resembles Xiaomi’s Mi Mix Alpha model, it basically shows a much more complex device.

Samsung’s smartphone concept with an edge-to-edge display on both the front and the back

According to the patent LetsGoDigital transformed into a three-dimensional concept with Giuseppe “Snoreyn” Spinelli, Samsung’s new “full screen” phone concept will have a skid-like structure similar to the Mi Mix 3.

The concept, defined as “electronic device” in the patent, has four-sided curved screens on both sides of the phone, completely frameless, without any notches or holes.

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samsung full screen phone patent

Samsung has hidden the cameras of the smartphone, which has a screen on both sides, inside the device. By sliding the sled, users can reveal the cameras. In addition, since the device has screens on both sides, the cameras can be used as both front and back cameras.

Samsung states that while using one screen of the smartphone in the concept, the other screen will be turned off and it will look like a glass back. In addition, just like the Galaxy Z Fold models, when users switch from one screen to another, the device will automatically move the image to the other screen.

samsung concept phone

As you can imagine, this interesting but exciting concept does not have any physical keys. In addition, since the device does not have a socket where you can insert a SIM card, you can only use it with eSIM. A piezoelectric sensor is used as the power button.

We could say that Samsung’s new smartphone concept is really exciting, but it is difficult to comment on whether it can be made into a final product to be released. It should also be remembered that companies do not turn every patent they take into a real product.

Concept video of Samsung’s all-screen smartphone patent

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